Passionate Street Photographer
Travel enthusiast
Welcome to my Photography Journey!
What is Street Photography:
It is “Photography conducted for art or enquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents.” Typically, street photography is about candidly capturing life in public areas. And contrary to its name, street photography does not have to be done on the streets.
HELLO, I'm Jan-Steven Merson,
a Passionate Street Photographer & Travel Enthusiast. Also known as, PhotoMan-Jan.
I am originally from Brooklyn, NY. I now call Southern California home.
I may call California home, but my heart still, is in Brooklyn.
After retiring from Law Enforcement and two successful businesses. With nothing to do.
I found my old film camera, a Ricoh KR 30sp I dusted it off loaded up with 20 rolls of color & B&W film. I started going through 36exp rolls like it was NY pizza or Knishes
(It's a Jewish thing).
Good news is digital cameras started to make scene, and I purchased my first digital camera, a Canon Sure Shot and discovered my passion, Photography. Photography for me it's all about capturing that moment in time and turning them into art or as is.
In a matter of a month, I was hooked. I found my passion for capturing unique moments in time.
At 71 I’m still snapping away throughout the country and abroad, I do not plan on ever retiring, ever again.
My gravestone will read, Here
I lie dead and “wait a minute“ where’s my camera?
Whether it's the vibrant energy of Cityscapes, Streets, Architecture or the serene beauty of Landscapes.
Join me as I share my adventures through the lens of my camera!

Yes that's me, in a London Starbucks taking a photographer's Latte break, oops? I mean, spot of Tea, old chap.
Where would we be without our babies