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Hello, You already know my name, PhotoMan-Jan. Even though this site is all about photography and the essence of capturing moments in time, I always like to dedicate a page to pet adoptions. it's a subject that is in my heart. I have had Great Danes since 1984, 40 years.  I truly believe in adopting and not purchasing through a pet store. There are many adoption agencies out there for all breads.   SO, why adopt?

  1) You are getting dogs that for the most part are already trained.
  2) They are already vetted. In other words, they have been checked out by their vet and have all their shots and neutering has already done, saving hundreds and hundreds of dollars. That is one of many reasons you do not want to purchase through a pet store. They DO NOT do that as a service, plus they are purchased through puppy mills which is ANIMAL ABUSE on a scale like you have never seen before.

  3)Without animal rescues, more and more animals would roam the streets starving to death, I am an advocate against animal abuse, I have seen people just toss out their pets like garbage into the streets, THAT'S animal abuse. If I ever see any animal getting abused I call 911, I get involved on a personal level.

One adoption agency I highly recommend is Bread Of Life K9 Refuge in Hesperia CA. It's run by a husband and wife team, Crow & Natasha Carreon. I have been adopting from them for over 10 years.  You won't find a nicer and more knowledgeable family around. They rescue all breads now not just Great Danes. Yes, there are thousands of rescues all over and good ones too. I, however, will always go to them.
Actually, since my dogs came from them and are comfortable with them, they babysit them whenever I go out of town and/or abroad.
Click here for more info.

My boy and best friend Rascals. I gave him that name, because he looked like Petey form the little Rascals. Hence his name.
Rascals my white Great Dane, He looked like Petey from the little Rascals show. Hence his name.
Me and Rascals on his couch, not mine.
An older Rascals. He was with me for 2 months shy of his 12th birthday. Miss you boy.
Rascals and Chelsea in my back yard Staring as if to say. Hey who poops first?

This was my boy Rascals. He was so mellow and obedient. He was like all Great Danes, a couch potato and my best friend in the world. I was able to take him with me whenever I left the house and he was always a very good boy.
I truly miss him still today. Man, when they  pass it leaves a very big hole in your heart. 
RIP my boy, 11-28-14 He died two months short of 12 years old. Truthfully, I miss them ALL.

Chelsea my Merle  Great Dane. Miss you girl.

Above was Chelsea, what a sweetie. When we got her, she immediately let Rascals know she was the Queen of the house. Poor Rascals, he was so afraid of her. One day he drank out of her bowl and she went ballistic. I literally had to get between them. Yes, she drew blood. But when he died, she moped around the house for weeks, not eating and always looking at his empty bed. She died at 11+ years

This is Chelsea my Grey & Black with a hint of white Merle Great Dane.
This is Sasha a Black & White Heniquin Great Dane. She loves sleeping on the couch.
This is Kazzie me Brown & White Heniquin Great Dane. Known as a designer bread. He loves sleeping on the couch.
This is Kazzie me Brown & White Heniquin Great Dane. Known as a designer bread. He loves sleeping on the couch.
This is Kazzie me Brown & White Heniquin Great Dane. Known as a designer bread. He loves sleeping on the couch.
That's me with my cocker Spanial Taffy, nest to her is Sheldon my Persian cat and on my shoulder is Zoe my Siamese cats.

Jan-Steven Merson   




Street-Cityscape -Architectural - Aerial

& Landscape

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Preserving the Unique Moments and Memories of Time

Jan-Steven Merson

I'm standing in a downtown London Starbucks. My picture is being taken by a local commercial photographer Gareth Danks
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